Special offer on Etudes Esquisses mp3 downloads

Alison Bendy is having a sale to promote her new  website which features mp3 downloads of accompaniments for the best selling guitar method, The Guitarist’s Way by John Whitworth and Peter Nuttall and publishes by Holley Music.

One of the sale items is a bundled download of Ten of my Etudes Esquisses, beautifully performed by Alison and expertly recorded by Oli Whitworth.
That’s £1.50 for Ten Etudes, which at 15p each is a real bargain!

Etudes Esquisses in the mp3 bundle:
1 Etude No 1 L’Amour Soucoupier
2 Etude No 3 Flocon de Neige
3 Etude No 4 Les Ajoncs d’Or
4 Etude No 6 Apres midi d’un Cafard
5 Etude No 8 Entre-maestro
6 Etude No 11 Vert dansant
7 Etude No 12 Coeur de la Rose
8 Etude No 17 Tournesol
9 Etude No 18 Argent….
10 Etude No 19 Les Moulines Mariniers
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