Bach visualised

How often do we suspect that there is more going on in Bach’s music than meets the ear?
Well, a mathematical image-maker Jos Leys has managed to show visually how the first canon from Bach’s Musical Offering looks as it crawls its way first forward, then in reverse, then in both directions at once! Luckily we only have the odd fugue to contend with in the guitar/lute repertoire of Bach and we can play more than two strings simultaneously, unlike viola da gamba players.

Many thanks to Nigel Warburton for passing this on.

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Alternative performing venues part 2

The alternative performing space I like best is Goldberg’s room next door to his boss Count Kaiserling. The Count was an insomniac and used to get Goldberg to play the clavichord to while away the night – no iPod or TV!
I often wonder how Goldberg must have spent his day and when he had time to practise! Of course, this would all have been a footnote in history if Forkel, Bach’s biographer had not written that Count Kaiserling had commissioned old Bach to write his eponymous set of variations for Goldberg. The Count was reported to have said, frequently  ‘Dear Goldberg, do play me one of my variations.’

A few years back, where would you have been able to listen to the following guitarists in a more or less regular series for free? Xue Fei Yang, Johannes Moller, David Leisner, Alison Smith, the Eden Stell Duo, Gerald Garcia and Alison Bendy?

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